
Animal Kingdom!

My last trip to end of my country was to Perlis at the very north. It didn't stop me from enjoying the vast green paddy fields and lovely architectures, not forgetting the innocence of certain animals..a monkey eating king of fruits 'durian'


jollyqueen said...

so cute...hmm, its been a while since i last ate durian...can't beat the taste...

Tina´s PicStory said...

Thats so cute :) Thanks for sharing this lovely photo with us at PicStory!

Alice said...

awesome! here in the United States these little monkeys are in our zoos. i love taking pictures of them - they seem to like the camera :). just think - you have right there where you can see them anytime. wow!

Tina´s PicStory said...

I have changed my blogname and all the links are not working now. If you have a link to my blog or the button in your sidebar you have to change it, that you can reach me. Thank you soooo much for your help! :) Tina

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